The Journal of Clinical Psychology with Children and Adolescents of the UMH publishes an issue on child and adolescent psychological treatments.
`Estado de los tratamientos psicológicos infanto-juveniles’ is the title of the special issue published by the Revista de Psicología Clínica con Niños y Adolescentes, edited by the AITANA research group of the Miguel Hernández University (UMH) of Elche. This monograph includes ten papers that examine the efficacy of psychological treatments for the main disorders in childhood and adolescence, through a methodology of reviews, known as umbrella reviews.
This type of work is based on the methodology of systematic reviews and meta-analyses on a topic. Their conclusions make it possible to synthesize the state of the art in the field of interest. The monograph deepens our knowledge of the efficacy of psychological treatments in childhood and adolescence while providing new conclusions and suggesting keys for future studies and indicating problems to be solved that should be addressed.
Research teams from all over the country have participated in this issue and have contributed a meta-review on a topic of their specialty, including the main psychological problems present in this developmental stage such as anxiety disorders, conduct disorders, sleep problems, suicidal and non-suicidal self-injurious behaviors, depression, borderline personality disorder, video game addiction, autism spectrum disorder or eating disorders. Each paper provides new conclusions on the status of child psychological treatments, examines the methodological quality of the studies, and concludes in which direction research on the efficacy of child psychological treatments should be oriented.