Deadline for the submission of manuscripts for the monograph "Dilemmas in Eating Disorder Intervention in Children and Adolescents" is open.
The Journal of Clinical Psychology with Children and Adolescents (RPCNA) is going to publish a monograph on the latest Advances in Neurodevelopmental Disorders in Children and Adolescents. Manuscripts received will be peer-reviewed and published in the September 2022 issue.
Original papers will be accepted, in Spanish or English, that have not been previously published as articles or are not under review in other journals. Papers may be submitted partially presented as short communications in scientific congresses. The manuscript should strictly comply with RPCNA publication guidelines. Manuscripts should be sent by e-mail to indicating in the subject of the e-mail: "Monograph Dilemmas in the intervention in Eating Disorders in children and adolescents". The deadline for manuscript submission is July 30, 2022.
The coordinator of this monograph is Dr. Iban Onandía, Director of the Clinica Psicología Amorebieta, Bilbao; Lecturer at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU).